Cepatnya rasa weekend ni berlalu.. Esok dah kerja.. Anyway walaupun
tak sempat rasanya nak buat apa2 sgt, rasanya me & hubby sempatla
berehat2 sikit compare to the two previous weekend.. Masing2 kerja..
This week walaupun aku on duty dihostel mujurlah xde kes2 yg berat sgt
just simple2 kerja yg boleh diselesaikan dlm masa 1/2 jam..
Anyway.. Have a nice week next week friends.. Aku dh apply cuti hari
Jumaat & Isnin next week.. Jumaat ada checkups kat hospital.. Isnin tu
sj2 amik cuti.. Cuti ada bnyk so belasah je la.. Mana tau hubby nk blk
kg ke.. Huhu.. Kita ikut jer..
Ahad, 28 Mac 2010
Sepetang di Queensbay..
lepas. Terlupa pulak nak blog kan.. Aku tulis pasal adat pepatih yg
bgku agak pelik la jugak walaupun ramai sedara mara gak belah2 NS..
Aku tgh dgr ttg adat pepatih yg dilaksanakan di Kg Lakai.. Asas adat
pepatih - errr.. Laju sgt ketua adat ni ckp.. Yg aku dgr ada raja,
luak, anak buah.. (kena blk tnya hubby utk komfem)
Kalau nk pinang ppuan kena ada cincin risik.. Pastu 2 cincin
bertunang.. 2 tau.. Bukan sebentuk.. Ppuan mungkir janji kena byr 400
tp yg lelaki xyah byr denda.. Perghhh.. Sian ppuan.. Huhu.. Pastu tu
kena kawen dgn org seperlaungan.. Maksudnya satu daerah.. Xleh kawen
dgn daerah lain.. Aisehh.. Mujur dh kawen.. Huhu.. Kalau ikut adat
pepatih xleh kawen ni.. Luar daerah..
Harta.. Turun pd anak ppuan.. Waaa.. Best kalau jd anak ppuan NS ni..
P/s info baru.. Klu nk pinang org ppuan NS ni, at least kena start dgn
adat pepatih selama sekurang2nya 1/2 jam.. Jenuh...
Best gak tau adat pepatih ni..
Sent from my iPhone
Rabu, 24 Mac 2010
Marble kek...
Hari ni aku gi kerja just utk breakfast.. huhu.. entah macam mana tetiba rasa tak sedap badan.. so aku minta hubby hantar aku balik rumah.. then aku zzz... Sedar2 dah tengahari.. terfikir pulak kesian kat hubby kena makan sorang2 hari ni.. so aku jerang nasi..masak ala kadar & sms dia cakap balik ler makan tapi aku masak sempoi2 je tghari ni.. Actually badan mmg tak berapa ok lg tghari tadi..
Lepas hubby gi kerja semula, aku pun baring2 tetiba tingat nak makan.. sekarang ni teringin nak makan macam2.. Nak keluar ke kedai alahai.. mmg tak larat rasanya nak drive.. so terfikir nak masak ape haaa.. badan pun still rasa tak berapa best.. Fikir2 rasanya cam ada bahan utk wat marble kek...So aku pun bangun dan startla buat marble kek yg sangat simple ni.. Aku sebenarnya tak tau siapa yg akan makan marble kek ni nanti.. tapi tak pela.. masak je laa.. kalau x abis kang aku pass je la kat student2 keliling aku ni... mesti derang suka.. :P

Isnin, 22 Mac 2010
Gotong Royong..
Taman Rekreasi Universiti tu khabarnya lebih utk kegunaan Pesila nak camping2.. di kawasan hutan simpan USM yg masih ada 22 ekar kot.. Aku pun sebenarnya tak de la semangat nak gotong royong.. huhu.. datang nak tunjuk muka jer utk perasmian.. So sarung tangan pun aku tak amik.. (tapi breakfast aku pau jugak..huhu pasal lapar kan)... So aku jadi gurugambar je la.. amik gambar mana2 yg patut.. huhu..

xde mood nak kerja hari ni...
Ahad, 21 Mac 2010
So after pick hubby up.. kami gi jalan2 kat tepi Padang Kota Lama.. Kata hubby last dia gi situ time rombongan masa dia darjah 6.. huhu.. Anyway aku lak mmg tak ingat bila last aku gi situ.. Bagi aku menarik gak tempatnyer... so..inilah gambar yg sempat aku ambil waktu kat padang kota lama tu...
tingin nak gi pasar malam feringghi..kata org banyak mende2 best kat situ...
Siang tadi aku terima sms dari my sister melalui no telefon arwah mak
yg diguna olehnya.. Aku sengaja tak edit contact detail bg no
tersebut.. So bila aku dpt sms.. Pengirimnya masih tertera 'mak'.. Aku
takkan tukar.. Ada sentimental value kt situ.. Apa yg aku sgt suka ttg
iphone ni adalah aku tak perlu delete sebarang msge yg ada dlm fon..
Jd aku boleh simpan semua msge yg aku nak..
Entah mcm mana bila dpt sms dr my sister smlm aku kembali melihat
'history' sms aku dan arwah mak.. Ada rasa sayu melanda.. Kehilangan
arwah mak tak mungkin dpt diganti.. Dgn membaca sms2 aku dgnnya
sedikit sebanyak mengubat rindu dihati..
Sabtu, 20 Mac 2010
Unik pulak bangunan ni.. Rasa cam kat Spain pulak.. Lokasinya kat
belakang Citi Bayview Hotel, Penang.. Kat belakang ni bnyk betul bar..
Ish.. Ish.. Entah2 mlm2 ramai org mabuk kat sini..
Khamis, 18 Mac 2010

From:![]() Country: ![]() Sent on: 20 Jan, 2010 To:![]() Country: ![]() Received on: 17 Mar, 2010 |
Selasa, 16 Mac 2010


We sent out an announcement yesterday about the Sejahtera Team exhibition, but would like to announce that the exhibition has had to be postponed due to unavoidable circumstances. We will be having it at a later date, at which point we will send out the announcement again.
keh3.. hape daa...
Geram pun ade pasal dah buat kerja..
Suka pun ade sebab tak de la susah2 nak buat something dalam masa yg terdekat..
Hubby dah tolong designkan 'bunting'... phamplet project aku dah hampir siap.. xpelah.. boleh buat slow2 nanti.. khabarnyer nak buat bulan 6 pulak.. suka hati ko la belalang.. kekdang bosan jugak dengan kerja2 yg entah apa-apa cam ni.. dulu webpage.. bila nak suruh org buat main suruh jer.. nak serta merta.. last2.. tak jadi.. yang ni pun sama.. mujur tak sempat gi print lagi semua2 tu..
Ahad, 14 Mac 2010
Sabtu, 13 Mac 2010
Kiriman khas..
ehh.. dia nak suruh masak ke ni..
Sent to you by Faizal via Google Reader:
This is a hearty, delicious, make-you-feel-good soup that's equally suited for a weeknight meal or a casual supper with friends. Bite-sized meatballs, made extra delicious with freshly grated Parmesan and minced garlic, are added to a flavorful broth that's stock (pun intended) full of vegetables. Serve it with a big loaf of crusty Italian bread and plenty of extra Parmesan and the world will immediately feel like a warmer, kinder, gentler place.
I love that quality in a soup.
The Cast of Characters – Meatballs Edition.
Ground beef. Not too lean, but not too fatty.
Fresh parsley. And yes, this is the curly stuff. It's all I have in my neck of the woods this time of year, and it works just fine.
Garlic. Look—it's sprouting. IT WANTS TO LIVE!
Freshly grated Parmesan. Makes the meatballs extra scrumptious.
Throw all the meatball ingredients into a mixing bowl.
Mix it all together. Now, normal people with no hangups might be inclined to execute this step with their bare (clean, please) hands. But I don't like meat under my fingernails. Call me crazy.
Now chill this mixture for 30 minutes to combine all the flavors. Glorious things will happen.
After 30 minutes, roll them into relatively small balls; it'll make about 24 or so. And you can make the meatballs ahead of time and store them, covered with plastic wrap, in the fridge until you need 'em.
Or you can just keep moving forward from this point, which is the road I have chosen to take.
The Cast of Characters – Soup Edition.
Beef stock. If you use storebought, go for the lower sodium stuff. Leaves more wriggle room.
Or is it wiggle room? I always get that confused.
That and 87,674,000 other things.
Then you need to grab some cheesecloth and make a bouquet garni—or, quite simply, a little bundle of herbs tied with a little twine. In this herb bundle, we'll use parsley…
Cut a square of a couple of layers of cheesecloth, and place the herbs in the middle.
*Now pretend I'm showing a photo of me gathering and tying the little herb bundle*
*Now pretend I'm organized and on top of things*
*Now pretend I'm petite and tan*
*Thank you for your cooperation.*
The potatoes. Leave the peel on!
I was chasing daylight here. A little dark. Sorry.
Heat a heavy pot over medium-low heat and add 3 tablespoons olive oil. When it's hot, throw in half the meatballs.
Gently turn as they brown. You don't want to cook them through; just get them a little brown on the outside. Total cooking time: 2 minutes for each batch, tops.
Repeat with the rest of the meatballs, then put 'em all on a plate.
Now pour the stock into the pot with all the yummy, juicy bits.
Add a little bit of salt. (Go easy; you can always add a little more later.)
Add the tomato paste, too, and stir it around to combine.
Now, bring the sucker to a boil.
Then reduce the heat to low and simmer for 30 minutes. The flavors from the herb bundle will seep into the brothy mixture and very, very special things will go on.
After 30 minutes, dump in the onions, carrots, celery, and potatoes.
Stir in the veggies, then continue to simmer for 15 minutes.
Even without the meatballs, this is tres, tres yum.
How do you make the little Frenchie sign above vowels in Frenchie words? I missed the day of school where they taught those keystrokes.
Finally, throw in the cabbage…
Quickly bring this to a boil, then reduce heat and cook for a short time—8 to 10 minutes at the most. You don't want the meat-a-balls to become too dry.
And that's EET! I can't tell you how wonderful this smells. So aromatic, so heavenly…
So, so wonderful.
Serve it in a pretty bowl, and make sure everyone gets his fair share of the veggies and the meat-a-balls.
And the final nail in the coffin: sprinkle on plenty of Parmesan cheese. Oh, yum.
You just can't know. You can't know till you experience it.
Experience it! You'll absolutely love it.
And don't forget the crusty bread.
Enjoy! Here's the printable recipe:
Italian Meatball Soup
3"x5" Cards | 4"x6" Cards | Full Page | Print
Prep Time: 30 Minutes | Cook Time: 45 Minutes | Difficulty: Easy | Servings: 8 |
- Meatballs:
- ¾ pounds Ground Beef
- ½ cups Freshly Grated Parmesan Cheese
- 3 Tablespoons Fresh Parsley, Minced
- 1 whole Egg
- 2 cloves Garlic
- ½ teaspoons Salt
- ½ teaspoons Black Pepper
- ¼ teaspoons Ground Oregano
- 2 teaspoons Lemon Juice
- 3 Tablespoons Olive Oil
- 7 cups Low Sodium Beef Stock
- 2 cups Water
- ½ teaspoons Salt
- 2 Tablespoons Tomato Paste
- ¾ cups Onion, Chopped
- ¾ cups Carrots, Chopped
- ¾ cups Celery, Chopped
- 1 cup Russet Potato, Chopped (do Not Peel)
- ½ pounds Cabbage Chopped
- Grated Parmesan Cheese To Serve
- 4 Tablespoons Fresh Parsley, Minced
- 2 whole Bay Leaves
- 1 teaspoon Peppercorns
Preparation Instructions
To make meatballs, combine all meatball ingredients and mix well. Shape into small balls and chill for 30 minutes.
Gather 4 tablespoons parsley, bay leaves, and peppercorns in a cheesecloth bundle. Tie to secure.
After chilling, heat olive oil over medium-low heat in a heavy pot. Briefly brown meatballs, then remove to a plate. To pot, add beef stock, water, salt, tomato paste, and herb bag. Bring to a boil, then simmer 30 minutes.
Add onion, carrots, celery, and potatoes. Simmer 15 more minutes. Remove herb bag.
Add cabbage and meatballs. Bring to a boil, then simmer 8 to 10 minutes.
Serve with plenty of freshly grated Parmesan cheese sprinkled over the top.
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