Hari ni pagi2 aku dah bengang.. Ada sorang lecturer kaflamyanga ni mintak nak ngajar course aku.. Aku penyelaras course tu.. so bila dia mintak and Prof. Fong yg team teaching dgn aku utk ngajar course ni ckp ok la kita terima dia.. aku pun buatla instructional planning utk semester ni yg baru.. pasal aku dah buat sebelum ni and dahpun hntr kat Timbalan Dekan aku awal2 hari tu.. Bila dah siap, aku hntr email la kat mamat ni.. tetiba pagi ni dia cakap..dia xnak ajar topik yg aku bagi kat dia sbb topik tu tak selaras dgn apa yg dia ada difikiran dia untuk diajar pada student.. dia suh aku tukar topik dan cakap salah satu topik dlm lecture tu tak valid.
Bengang betul aku! Bila baca aku terus nak balas.. tengah2 dok karang email.. Prof. Fong call aku.. dia pun bengang.. dia cakap ade ke patut mamat ni suh kita tukar topik? Dia nak ngajar subject yg kitorg expert.. dia bukan latar belakang ICT.. tp nak ikut suka2 hati dia tak ikut silibus.. lega aku bila Prof Fong cakap camtu.. Prof Fong ckp nnt dia nak dtg ofis aku bincang.. Akupun ckp ok.. Tunggu punya tunggu dah lunch aku pun kuar.. After lunch.. baru Prof Fong dtg bilik aku.. dia siap sound kat aku.. mamat tu banyak kabel.. kalau layan dia nanti entah2 dia adu kat sape2 yg kitorg ajar tak valid sedangkan dia yg xfaham course tersebut.. Silap2 nnt dia bawak cerita pasal kitorg.. So Prof Fong cakap.. keluarkan saja dia, jgn terima dia ngajar subjek tu.. kebetulan pulak time Prof Fong dtg tu, aku tgh tulis email kat bawah ni.. so dia cakap.. dia setuju dgn apa yg aku cakap.. yess!!
Aku bukan apa.. walaupun Prof Fong ni chinese tp dia banyak tolong aku.. banyak guide aku dgn kehidupan sbg lecturer di USM ni.. Bukan nak puji.. tp mmg aku respek kat dia.. dan dia pun kalau ada projek dia akan masukkan aku sekali supaya aku dapat experience.. Which org melayu pun xbuat cam tu kat aku..
Anyway.. email kat bawah ni aku hantar kat kaflamyanga tu... straight forward.. dan dia pun dah balas yg dia terima yg aku tak nak dia mengajar course aku... yieeehhhhaaaa... yess!!
Ini emailnya..
Dear T*****,
As you offered to teach the course and to be able to teach a course u MUST
be able to teach the content provided. If u are not able to do Week 7-9,
then I think you shouldn't lecture in the course at all. I understand if u
want to teach new technologies to the students but u should also consider
the teaching environment that they are going to enter after they graduated. I am
also tempted to teach them new technologies, however I believed they should
be equiped with basics knowledge in ICT first before anything else.
Moreover, the topics are inline with the projects for the course and
lectures are the medium to equiped students with the theories that support
the projects. As the coordinator of the course, I think lecturers that teach
ICT IN EDUCATION should be able to teach the topics mentioned in the course
As you are not able to do the topics given, I'm sorry to say that you have
to teach other courses that related to your expertise.
Thanks for your interest in teaching the course.
p/s Prof. Fong, I'll send you a new Instructional Plan (the one that I
previously prepared for the course, TQ).
hehe.. mcm jahat jer ayat aku.. tapi alhamdulillah.. walaupun skrg akan mngajar dgn prof fong jer tapi aku rasa ok.. daripada nak fikir pasal org yg tak tau pasal topik yg nak diajar.. baiklah aku buang sebelum menyusahkan kepala otak aku nanti..
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